Fuel cell

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Due to their high efficiency, fuel cells are important systems for the future provision of electrical energy, via its conversion from chemically bound energy carriers, for both stationary and mobile applications. Today, mainly hydrogen, methanol and ammonia are used as primary energy carriers for electricity generation in fuel cells. The R&D activities in this area relate in particular to the optimization of the systems with regard to the respective operating conditions, components used and relevant materials.


  • Gravimetric performance enhancement via optimizations in the cathode path.
  • Adaptation and packaging of fuel cell systems in various stationary and mobile applications
  • Modeling and the development of digital twins for the simulative evaluation of application potentials and the development of utilization profile-based operating strategies
  • Electrocatalysis
  • Membrane electrode assembly (MEA) development, testing and validation.
  • Experience and equipment for the construction of fuel cell systems.
  • Small neural network development
  • Feature extraction and AIfES to realize low power, small and fast fuel cell monitoring systems
  • Adaptation to other predictive maintenance use cases


Further information

Transfer of automotive H2 FC technology to the Antares E2 demonstrator  [Fraunhofer ICT]