Sensor Evaluation: Radar Technologies and Sensor Applikation, Lidar, Acoustics

Messfahrzeug REDAR des Fraunhofer ITWM
© Fraunhofer ITWM
Measuring vehicle REDAR

Environmental sensors, such as camera, LiDAR, radar or ultrasound, are key to many functions in automated driving, and provide the information basis for critical vehicle functions. In this context, different sensor types have different strengths and challenges. However, the sensors are not only important for detecting the environment. They can also be used in the interior for detecting critical driver conditions and monitoring the interior situation for safety and comfort functions and for providing services.

Ambient sensor technology also plays an essential role in the generation of high-precision and georeferenced map data.

In addition to classical methods, modern machine learning methods, especially from deep learning, are increasingly being used for their evaluation. Due to the increasing complexity, there is a growing need for data and test methods to achieve and, in particular, prove robust evaluation.


  • Equipping vehicles with sensors, especially cameras, radars and evaluation technology
  • Development and qualification of specialized 24-GHz and 77-GHz radar sensors
  • Antenna development for the automotive industry, automotive radars based on LTCC technology
  • Investigation and characterization of materials (e.g. bumpers, plastic parts on the vehicle) with regard to their electromagnetic properties
  • Simulation of radar signatures in software-in-the-loop as well as in hardware-in-the-loop applications
  • Digitization of real test tracks for (multi-body) simulations,
  • Recording of real environment for virtual 3D landscape and city models, especially for use in interactive driving simulators (e.g. in RODOS©)
  • Creation of virtual scenarios from map data and 3D laser scans (e.g. in OpenDrive format) with the VMC® Road and Scene Generator


Further information

ATRIUM [Fraunhofer FHR (German)]
Automotive Test Environment for Radar In-the-loop Investigations and Measurements

REDAR - Road and Environment Data Acquisition Rover [Fraunhofer ITWM]
Measuring vehicle with state-of-the-art laser measurement technology for the generation of 3D environmental data

VMC® Road and Scene Generator [Fraunhofer ITWM]
Concept for statistical analysis of geo-referenced data

AVEAS [Fraunhofer IOSB, Fraunhofer IVI, Fraunhofer EMI]