Vehicle Climate

Sensorpuppe des Fraunhofer IBP während des Einsatzes im AutoAuto
© Fraunhofer IBP
DressMAN in a vehicle

A major focus in the development of vehicles, besides driving performance, is the well-being of people inside the vehicle. This includes a pleasant and performance-enhancing climate in the vehicle interior, which is expressed in satisfaction with the thermal comfort. The significantly more inhomogeneous and transient conditions during the driving phase as well as the heating and cooling processes required as quickly as possible after the parking phase are taken into account. The provision of a comfortable climate also plays an important role in electric vehicles, as the energy required for this is at the expense of the range. Energy-saving and at the same time individual air conditioning solutions are in demand. Special climate measuring devices such as the »DressMAN« are available for climatic investigations in interiors, with which the local thermal comfort sensation can be measured at numerous parts of the body by means of numerous attached climate sensors.


  • Measurement of thermal boundary conditions in vehicles
  • Surveys of test persons to determine thermal comfort
  • Analysis and optimization of climate and comfort in vehicles
  • Development of comfort models
  • Development of new heating and cooling concepts
  • New materials for interiors


Further information

OPTEMUS - Optimised Energy Management and Use [project page]
EU project with participation of Fraunhofer LBF for the optimization of energy management and consumption

DOMUS - Design OptiMisation for efficient electric vehicles based on a USer-centric approach [project page]
EU project with participation of Fraunhofer LBF to reduce the total energy consumption of electric vehicles

DressMAN 3.2 [Fraunhofer IBP]
Climate-measuring system DressMAN 3.2

E-Comfort [Fraunhofer IBP]
Optimizing the cruising range of electric vehicles by innovative concepts of air-conditioning and thermal comfort