The automotive industry recognized the economic advantages of the recycling economy at a very early stage. Particularly in times of scarce resources and rising energy prices, reuse and recycling are becoming more and more an economic necessity. The raw materials used must be kept in the economic cycle for as long as possible, largely free of waste and emissions. The processing of the products in an exchange product production process makes it possible to reuse them with quality features identical to those of new parts. Recycling at the end of the life cycle returns materials and substances to the cycle as secondary raw materials.
- Circular Economy Concepts
- Development of dismantling processes and recycling strategies
- Scaling down of end-of-life vehicles
- Concepts for the return of the dismantled parts
- Refurbishment (upgrade/upcycling if necessary)
- Valuation/balancing of different techniques
- Logistical networking of actors
- Information management
Further information
Sustainability of packaging systems [Download (German) / Stiftung Mehrweg]
An extended life cycle analysis of packaging systems for fruit and vegetable transport in Europe [Fraunhofer-Publica]
Sustainability of packaging systems for the transport of fruit and vegetables in Europe based on a life cycle analysis - study commissioned by the Stiftung Initiative Mehrweg with the participation of the Fraunhofer IBP (Life Cycle Engineering GaBi)