Maintenance / BIM & Predictive Maintenance

With increasing digitalization, the nature of maintenance is changing and the resilient operation of rail infrastructure and rail vehicles is becoming a decisive competitive factor. The goal is predictive, continuously optimizing, networked and sustainable maintenance.
Digital twins of rail infrastructure structures created with the help of BIM (Building Information Modeling) save time and money in infrastructure maintenance. Provided that the models created in this way are updated regularly. To this end, the institutes are developing new technologies that enable the condition of the infrastructure to be recorded using sensors. The resulting data is analyzed using state-of-the-art data analysis methods, including AI, and updated in the infrastructure's BIM.
The maintenance of rail vehicles is also undergoing change. Fail-safe maintenance, coupled with high reliability and reduced costs, are the measure of all things in order to avoid train failures, meet high safety standards and keep costs in check at the same time. The key technologies for this are digitalization and automation. Multiple units can already be checked for irregularities during operation so that maintenance can be carried out in a more targeted manner. Automation solutions are used in maintenance, which reduce throughput times and personnel deployment.