Fraunhofer Automotive

The Automotive Working Group of the Fraunhofer Transport Alliance is a virtual research institute that bundles competencies of Fraunhofer institutes in the field of automotive technology.

We help you find contacts by referring incoming inquiries to the member institutes. If required, we coordinate the cooperation of several institutes. The coordinated cooperation of highly specialized institutes generates synergy effects and enables customized, fast and qualified solutions by bundling specialized knowledge, resources and expertise. This increases efficiency and achieves comprehensive results.

We not only become active on request, but also conduct proactive research into how the mobility of the future will be shaped in the automotive sector.

For details on particular focal points of the Automotive working group's work, please refer to the service areas below. There you will also find links to project examples.

The working group is an initiative of the Fraunhofer Transport Alliance. It works closely with the Fraunhofer Automobile Production Alliance.



Transfer of Technology




Alternative Drive Systems


MMI, Comfort & UX




Mechanical Engineering / Vehicle Technology


Validation and Verification


Data Communication & Networks


Environmental Sensors