Welcome to the website of Fraunhofer People Mobility. Here you can get information about Fraunhofer’s expertise in mobility research.
Fraunhofer People Mobility is a multidisciplinary network that combines the competencies of different institutes of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft regarding changes in mobility. These developments will go hand in hand with the energy transition and will significantly change the mobility of people and goods in Germany in the next few years.
Mobility changes are driven by changes in important socio-economic and technical frameworks: new lifestyles in the shared economy are based on the flexibility and convenience offered by new communication media. New technologies make it possible to construct small electric vehicles, provide multi-modal traffic information via smartphone apps, and develop new business models for comprehensive and customized mobility services for urban, rural or long-distance travel.
The member institutes of Fraunhofer People Mobility combine the expertise needed for the transformation of mobility services in different fields like urban and transport planning, public transport, business models, Big Data, I&C technologies, urban logistics and electric mobility, car sharing and other services, acceptance research and transport policy.
Fraunhofer People Mobility is an initiative of the Fraunhofer Transport Alliance, which bundles the transport-related expertise of the Fraunhofer institutes and helps you to find the right contacts.